What's Your Aura?

Welcome to the Aura CDT networking match maker!

We've asked the students 7 questions to find out more about them. Answer the same questions to find out who is your closest match.

From your results you'll be able to find out the top three students who match the closest with your interests. Don't worry too much about the scores - we're a friendly bunch! 😊

Select your science...

What discipline are you?

The best way to work...

Where would be the best location to complete research?

Focusing the research (location)...

Which location of the wind farm needs some more research?

Focusing the research (lifecycle)...

Which part of the offshore wind lifecycle is worth researching?

Purpose of research...

What is a good purpose for Offshore Wind research?

Purpose of research (environmental impacts)...

What environmental impact is worth researching?

The future of offshore wind...

How do you see the future development of Offshore Wind?

It will depend on...
